What’s On
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Picton Castle event
Scout says it was ‘an honour’ to volunteer around Westminster Palace
Pembroke volunteer to represent UK in Korea 2023 World Scout Jamboree
Welsh Ambulance Service and Pembrokeshire loses one of its true characters
‘Big Community litter pick’ for Kilgetty/Begelly
'Big Community Litter Pick' for Kilgetty & Begelly
Pembroke Sea Scouts paid a visit to Pembroke Dock Fire Station
Scouts in Pembroke team up for charity Santa Run
Please help - storage area wanted by Scouts
Birthday celebrations for local Scout Leader
Memories rekindled at Scouting exhibition
Funds for Scout Group’s wall project continue to climb
Balsam bashing!
Over 300 in Scouts’ annual St. George’s Day parade
Royal date for Queen’s Scout Rhodri
4th Pembroke Lamphey Scout Group news