At a recent meeting of Whitland Town Council a short presentation was made by officers of Carmarthenshire County Council regarding both pop-up shops and place plans, which were received with interest.

The council was pleased that all the Wi-fi locations were now live, and appointed a digital champion to act for them.

The brochure that was being produced as part of the ‘Town of Culture’ publicity was making good progress, and should be ready for the publication date.

The play map funded by the play grant was now up by the old Natwest building and also online.

The Council also discussed the latest information provided by Nasareth and decided that in principle they were willing to take on ownership of the cemetery, with some details still to be decided.

There would be a litter pick on Sunday (April 14) in the community as part of the Great British Spring Clean – all were welcome to join in to help tidy up Whitland.

The Council also discussed the possibility of taking on a Mayoral Cadet, and heard more information about the planned Mayor-making ceremony in June.