Two amazing young carers supported by Action for Children have appeared on the famous This Morning sofa. 

Lowis, step-sister Nyfain and mum, Kelly, along with an Anglesey counterpart, chatted to Alison Hammond and Holly Willoughby on Monday (September 4) about the issues affecting young carers including summer holiday loneliness and the support they receive from Action for Children.

Lowis (15), and their step-sister Nyfain (9), help their mum along with brother Owen (17) provide round-the-clock care for their disabled step dad/dad who has Friedreich ataxia (FA) - a rare inherited disease that has caused progressive damage to his nervous system and severe movement problems.

Lowis said: ‘It was lovely to meet Holly and Alison, they were so friendly and welcoming.  It was great to talk about the issues we face every day and they were genuinely interested in the young carer experience.  It’s really important to us to make people aware of young carers and the support we receive from charities like Action for Children. To be able to tell our stories on national television on such a popular programme was brilliant and great to be part of.’

The young carers were given gifts at the end of the show The young carers were given gifts at the end of the show
The young carers were given gifts at the end of the show (Pic supplied)

Nyfain added: ‘I really enjoyed going on This Morning with mum and Lowis.  Everyone was so nice and I liked being to talk about what we do for Dad within the family. I want people in the same position as us to know they are not on their own and that there is help, like Action for Children.’

Mum Kelly said: ‘It was wonderful to be with Lowis and Nyfain on This Morning and see yung carers get the recognition they richly deserve, I’m very proud of them and Owen.  They help so much and make what is a very challenging family life that bit easier.  We’re aware it can be hard, especially in the summer holidays when friends seem to be out all the time. It’s a big responsibility and it’s great Action for Children are there to give them a break and mix with other young people with similar experiences.’

More than eight out of ten young carers (82 per cent) feel lonely during the summer holidays, according to research released earlier in the year by Action for Children and Carers Trust and Lisa Mansell, family support practitioner for Action for Children’s Pembrokeshire young carers, was delighted to see awareness being raised on This Morning.

She said: ‘Lowis and Nyfain are fantastic young people who provide essential support for her mother and brother Owen to their father.  It was wonderful to see such a popular TV show like This Morning recognise what young carers experience day in day out and raise awareness of their amazing contribution but also their challenges that are so different to their friends and peers.

‘We are so proud to support young carers like Lowis and Nyfain, giving them a break and helping them cope with all the additional responsibilities they face.  Summer can be particularly hard so we provide day trips and fun activities that give young carers a bit of time away from their caring role.’