Resurfacing works have been completed at Milford Waterfront following a four-month project resulting in a much improved visitor experience. Owned by the Port of Milford Haven, the car park at Mackerel Quay has undergone a transformation culminating in 120 parking spaces, four disabled bays and six electric vehicle charging points which have been used by 414 cars since they were installed. A tarmacked surface has been laid through the centre of the site with a mesh grid surface for the parking bays. Further improvements will be made in the coming months including new lighting, plants and seating areas.

The Port partnered with Pembrokeshire County Council to provide the new EV charging points which includes a rapid battery EV charging station from Dragon Charging that can charge a vehicle in just 90 minutes. Pembrokeshire is the top county in Wales for the availability of battery EV charging points per head of population and is in the top 20 per cent across the UK.

Project Manager at the Port of Milford Haven Gareth Phillips said:

“The free car park at Mackerel Quay is a well-used facility thanks to its prime location for enjoying the dining and shopping experience at the waterfront and spectacular views of the Waterway. We’re delighted that the resurfacing works have been completed making it more accessible for the public and enabling people to charge up their electric vehicles conveniently.”

Cabinet Member for Residents’ Services and Leisure at Pembrokeshire County Council, Councillor Rhys Sinnett, added:

“This scheme is another fantastic addition to the range of EV charging points that we have across the county and this has enabled us to be the number one area in Wales per head of population on this vitally important issue.”

For information on the events and activities available at Milford Waterfront visit