A collection box for Tenby Hygiene Bank is kindly housed by Boots in the High Street.

“Many people locked in poverty or those who find themselves in times of crisis become caught between being able to heat their home, pay their rent, buy food or keep clean,” said Tenby town council's community engagement officer Anne Draper. 

“Hygiene poverty can be shaming, humiliating and can result in social isolation. It can lead to a lack of confidence and can negatively affect good health and mental well-being which can impact early childhood development, learning, employability and social interaction. 

“So, any donations of new, unused, in-date personal care and household cleaning essentials - including deodorant, shower gel, shampoo, make-up, nappies, toilet roll, laundry detergent and surface cleaner would be greatly appreciated. 

“If you need them and use them, then it is likely someone else needs and uses them too,” she added.

Volunteers regularly pick up the items in the Collection Box in Boots and take them round to the Tenby depot of PATCH (Pembrokeshire Action to Combat Hardship) in The Old Chapel on Lower Frog Street.