Celebrating live music, the community and supporting a number of charities and good causes, SaundersFEST is an exciting new event coming to Saundersfoot on the weekend of July 7 to 9.

Run entirely by volunteers and supported by a number of local businesses, the weekend festival is going to be a fabulous weekend.

The Festival is launched on Friday with ChoirFEST – a celebration of music being hosted by the fabulous Choirs for Good with a number of Welsh based choirs joining in. Saundersfoot Sailing Club is setting up a bar and barbecue with popular local band Footbridge ending the evening off with live music from 8pm.

Saturday and Sunday there is live music all across the village as well as the hugely popular TenFoot Swim. The focus of the weekend’s music is on the Main Stage on the Sports Field where there are a number of very exciting live acts playing – with the grand finale on Sunday being Wynne and Mark Evans, Victoria Joyce and local choirs finishing off the celebrations.

Whilst much of the music around the village will be free, the Main Stage acts are ticketed events.

“If you want to attend you MUST buy your tickets in advance” says Chris Williams, the instigator and driving force behind SaundersFEST.

“It’s easy to do – either go online (www.saundersfest.co.uk) or buy them in person from Christkindl, Tramway and Silver Lily.

“We are hoping to raise a lot of money for charity across the weekend” Chris continues. “This will not only be through tickets sales but also via donations from food and drink vendors on the Sports Field and at the Sailing Club who have all pledged to donate 5 per cent of their takings.

“Thanks to our main sponsors – Royal Oak, Puffin Holiday Cottages and Pure West Radio – without whom much of the event would not be possible.”