Speakers for the October meeting of Ludchurch WI at Longstone Community Hall were Richard and Tracey from the Cinnamon Grove Gin Distillery in Haverfordwest.

Twenty members attended the meeting, with nine members sending their apologies. Birthdays were mentioned for October and they were given the group’s best wishes. The president detailed the forthcoming events and activities from the monthly newsletter. She also mentioned the WI calendars which were now on sale. The secretary asked members to consider in time for the next meeting in November what roles they could nominate themselves for as the current committee had been doing their roles for several years and would be standing down. The social secretary they spoke about the groups Christmas celebration meal and discussed various venues for this. The accounts for the year were then put forward by the treasurer.

The speakers for the evening were then introduced. Richard and Tracey then gave an extremely interesting presentation about how Cinnamon Grove produce their premium gin, and how they use water from a 300 year old well on their land in this process.

Members then had the opportunity to sample some of their different flavoured gins which they enjoyed very much. Gins were available to buy.

Members then enjoyed a buffet supper and a raffle.