Church services and events in the Tenby area…


Rev’d Stella Hayton told the congregation the sad news of Graham Powell’s passing at the service on Sunday morning.

Stella talked about churchyards and ‘God’s Acre’ who encourage churches to make more of their gardens with wildflowers. A lot of people feel very close to God by looking after their relations’ graves and being able to read memorial stones that continue connections through the same surnames over different centuries. It is a message of hope that, like those whose lives we have remembered, we are able live in God’s love and care too.

Stella’s talk was about the transfiguration that Peter, James and John saw when Moses and Elijah appeared. This is difficult to comprehend as we are not given much information. How did Jesus’s appearance change - a sudden glow or a halo? Seeing God’s glory was absolutely terrifying for the three disciples. Perhaps they thought they were dreaming. They had a knack of missing the significance of what Jesus was telling them. But maybe this is the gospel’s way of making us look at it ourselves?

Sometimes God’s glory can be revealed in the beauty of a flower. Or are we too busy to think about God’s glory in our lives? Some things are really hard to think about but St Johns is going to have some “exploring membership” conversations in March in which - who knows? - more signs of God’s glory may be glimpsed.

St Johns coffee morning is on Wednesdays, come and add pieces to the jigsaw! The Craft Club meets 2-4pm Mondays. Rev’d Adrian Davies is the minister on Sunday, February 26.


The late Pope Benedict once said: “I would like everyone to feel loved by the God who gave his Son for us and showed us his boundless love. I want everyone to feel the joy of being Christian.” His personal secretary reports that the last words Benedict spoke before he died were, “Jesus, I love you.”

The joy of loving Jesus is the key to understanding today’s gospel (Mathew 5: 38-48). Jesus’ words in today’s gospel are impossible if we rely only on our human efforts. Left to ourselves, our human pride means we are always going to want to get even; to promote our own interests over that of others. Jesus is calling us to something greater. He wants to raise us up to a new way of looking at the world and relating to others.

Jesus comes along and takes the practice of an ‘eye for an eye’ of the strict justice of the Old Testament - to a whole new level. He takes and transforms it into mercy and forgiveness which must become the new law that governs our lives.

If we who call ourselves followers of Jesus do not choose non-violence over vengeance, then who will? If we do not forgive, then how can there be any hope of peace for our planet? In the words of Pope Benedict, “If we allow the love of Christ to change our heart, then we can change the world. This is the secret of authentic happiness.”

Masses from St Teilo’s and Parish events can be viewed online from the parish website and in the Parish Newsletter. Tel. 01834 84269.


Wednesday evenings at the Old Chapel have taken the form of a light meal followed by a discussion of fundamentally important Christian teaching.

The current series is entitled ‘Looking into Christianity’ and takes the form of detailing a particular subject, showing how that is explained in the Bible and then giving time for participants to discuss and express their feelings and opinions about it. Questions are asked and answered in an informal setting.

In the first week participants discussed the existence of God and found that the Bible says he is the creator and sustainer of our planet, he is invisible spirit being without beginning or end and is all-powerful and everywhere present, seeing, hearing and knowing everything. Since he is our creator we are answerable to him for how we live our lives. In the second week they discovered that the Bible teaches God is holy, righteous, just and good and cannot do wrong. They then moved on to answer the question – if God, being good, created everything good, why is the world not good now? What has gone wrong? The answer given in the Bible is that sin entered God’s perfect world, dividing us from him and giving us rebellious natures which are opposed to him and his word. This week the discussion will discover what God thinks about us in our rebellious state. Why not join them on Wednesday evenings at 6.30? You will be very welcome. The church also meets upstairs in the Old Chapel on Sunday mornings at 11am. Families welcome.


Sunday, February 26, 10.30am – Morning Service. Preacher, Rev’d Martin Williams; 3.30pm – Afternoon Service. Preacher, Rev’d Martin Williams.

Friday, March 3, 2.30pm – Missionary Prayer Meeting in aid of The Albainia Evangelical Mission. Mrs Fiona Ernest presiding.

For further information please call: 01834 812869 or 01834 814832

Visit: ; email: [email protected] ; Bethesda Church, Saundersfoot on Facebook.


The service at Saundersfoot Methodist Church last Sunday was conducted by Diane Hodson. Passages of scripture were read by Don Mallams and Muir Bird.

There will be no service at Saundersfoot next Sunday, but a warm welcome is extended to all for the service on March 5.


Hello Sunday meets every Sunday at Regency Hall Saundersfoot. It is a fresh expression of church. Starting with breakfast from 10am, it involves community, music, friendship and support. Bring your friends… and the kids…

Regency Rompers our Baby and Toddler group meets at 9.30am every Monday during term time; an opportunity for parents, grandparents and carers to bring their little ones to play in a safe, caring environment whilst chatting with others over a cup of coffee. See our facebook page for updates.

A new year and a fresh start causes us to re-evaluate life and ask bigger questions. The Alpha Course is an accessible, contemporary way of exploring the Christian Faith, giving opportunity to ask those bigger questions of the meaning of life etc. There will be a new course starting on Thursday March 9, 6.30pm.

To find out more about what Alpha is all about, contact Sara on 07951273878 or Grace Saundersfoot at the address below.

For more information email; [email protected]


Millions of people will have eaten pancakes this week, a centuries old tradition heralding the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday.

Shrove Tuesday was a day of thanksgiving and celebration. When the church bell sounded, the frying began, using up eggs, milk, and some flour.

Also on that day, the palm crosses given on Palm Sunday the previous year were burned ready for the next day.

Again, the people gathered at the church, not to celebrate but to publicly recognise their sins. The minister would dip his finger in the ash and place a cross on their foreheads (wearing sackcloth and ashes being a sign of penitence in the Old Testament).

Lent had begun. People lived more frugally, abstaining from meat and dairy foods. These traditions served to focus minds on Christ’s sacrifice as Easter drew nearer.

The Lord prepared for his ministry by spending 40 days in the wilderness alone taking nothing with him. Then Satan tempted him to turn stones into bread.

Jesus replied quoting Deuteronomy 8:3: “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Twice more Satan tried to tempt Jesus and failed (Matt 4:1-11, Luke 4:1-13).

Whether or not we put our bodies and determination to the test during Lent, take time to consider all the Lord did during the three years leading up to Easter, by reading one or more of the Gospels.

Visit or call 01834 811697 for enquiries.


Wednesday, February 22, 7pm – Joint Churches Ash Wednesday Service

Sunday, February 26, 9.45am – Morning Service

Wednesday, March 1, 7pm – Holy Eucharist

Every Monday, 1pm to 3pm – A ‘Warm Space’ in the church hall.

Every Tuesday ‘Pebbles’ playgroup for pre-school children in the church hall.

Saturday, March 4, 10am – Coffee morning - also a few more trees will be planted if anyone feels like helping.

Wednesday, March 8, 12-2pm – Lenten Lunch. Soup and a Roll. Donations to Water Aid

All welcome.


Wednesday, February 22, 2pm to 3pm – Women’s Fellowship with guest speaker Anna Nichols

Sunday, February 26, 10.20 to 10.40am – Men’s Prayer Meeting in the Study Room; 10.45am to 11.45am – Morning Worship in the Sanctuary with full organ and rose window, followed by refreshments in the Schoolroom. 5.30pm to 6.30pm – Evening Evangelistic Outreach Service in the Sanctuary with Baby Grand Piano followed by refreshments in the Schoolroom.

Tuesday, 10.30am to 11.15am – Bible Readings, Luke’s Gospel; 1.30pm to 4pm – Listening Post, share and listen, make new friends, all welcome in the Schoolroom; 6.15pm to 6.45pm – Fellowship Meal in the Schoolroom; 7pm Prayer Meeting in the Schoolroom

Wednesday, 7pm to 9pm – Women’s Evening with nibbles and with guest speaker Kanchana Edwards

Thursday, 10.30-1.30pm Coffee Morning a lively group awaits the over 60’s.

Saturday, 9.30am Men’s Breakfast, contact Chris.

“Arise, shine, for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.” Isaiah 60.1



Ash Wednesday, February 22 at 7pm – Holy Eucharist with imposition of Ashes in St Andrew’s Church, Narberth

Sunday, February 26, 9am – Holy Eucharist in St John’s Church, Templeton; 10am – Holy Eucharist in St Andrew’s Church, Narberth


Wednesday, February 22 at 2pm – Mothers’ Union Service and general meeting

Thursday, February 23 at 1.30pm in Seamus’ home, 16, Redstone Court, Narberth, the Lent Group will explore their faith through the Sacraments. Refreshments will be served. A warm welcome to all.

Tuesday, February 28 at 1.30pm – Craft Class will be held in the Rectory, Narberth. All welcome .

Church Restoration Fund: Friday March 3rd 10.00am to 12 noon Coffee Morning with cake stall and raffle at the Rectory, Adams Drive, Narberth in aid of St Andrew’s restoration fund.

Loose Change: During Lent people are invited to fill glass jars with loose change in aid of St Andrew’s restoration fund. Jars available in church on Sunday 26, to be returned for Easter Day.

Cookery Book. Do you have any family cake recipes (not from cook books) you would be willing to include in a cookery book to be sold in aid of St Andrew’s restoration fund? Please contact Barbara at the Rectory or bring to church.

The ‘Benefice of Narberth’ Facebook page gives information on events and services in the churches

Contacts: Rev’d Martin Cox (Rector and Local ministry Area Dean) tel. 01834 861192 [email protected] ; Rev’d Seamus Hargrave 01834 860611 [email protected]


It is finished! Not a cry of defeat but fulfilment. Jesus died, but rose again, said Garry Emlyn in his message.

Sin, death, the old you, the Old Testament, all paid in full, fulfilled, by Jesus, on the cross.

God’s Word tells us we have access to Jesus. Ask, seek, knock. We know how to give gifts, how much better will God’s gifts be?!

Just ask! Prophets of old, disciples, ask and God moved. Have you asked? Were you anticipating God today? Expect more.Disciples prayed and the building shook!

Sickness came in with wrong choices, sin, but Jesus came to set us free, by His stripes you were healed. It’s already paid for by Jesus. Don’t let the accuser make you doubt this! Our understanding is limited, but we walk by faith, and believe.

Sometimes we walk into a situation and we sense it’s wrong, that’s God’s Spirit warning us.

God rewards those who earnestly seek Him. No matter what you hear in the world, listen to God. Ask and have the faith to believe, whatever you ask. God has gifts ready, paid for by Jesus, ask for them.

What is prayer? A relationship conversation, we praise and ask for forgiveness and what we need. We have the Word, the Name, the Blood. Speak life, ask, believe, God knows your needs, give them over to Him today.

Contact: 07765 935475 visit: or on Facebook.


The service of Holy Communion at 3pm this coming Sunday will be lead by Rev’d John Hayton. The Circuit will have a zoomed service at 6pm. (See Circuit website for further information ).

Lectionary readings for this week, it being the beginning of Lent, are from the Book of Genesis 2: 15-17; 3: 1-7; Psalm 32; the Letter to the Romans 5:12-19; the Gospel of Matthew 4: 1-11.

Carew Wesley will be holding a ‘Big Breakfast’ on Saturday, February 25 from 10am to 2pm in the Youth Club hall. All are welcome.

The ‘Warm Hub’ will be open again this Monday, February 27. It will take place in the Youth Club Hall and will be open to all from 1pm to 4pm. If you feel the need for a warm place to go or would enjoy a time of fellowship with others, then come along when you can have a cup of tea and a chat. All are very welcome to enjoy this space.

Let us pray that all those in distress of any kind find healing and restoration to new life through Jesus Christ. May those who have lost loved ones also find solace in the Lord’s presence. May everyone have all they need and be at peace in mind, body and spirit.

The minister, Rev’d Lorette Hinson, may be contacted on Tel. 01834 218614. To book the Youth Club Hall please contact Paul Lister on Tel. 01646 672258.


The service on Sunday last was conducted by Mr Tim Longworth, missioner enabler of Pembrokeshire Baptist Association, with Mrs Sylvia Watkins as organist.

The service on Sunday next on February 26 is at 10.45am and will be conducted by Mrs Mary Campbell of Haverfordwest. A warm welcome is extended to all.