AT the February meeting of Summerhill WI, vice president Susan welcomed Carol Langston, who distributed a selection of beads in various colours for ladies to produce either a necklace or bracelet.

With much chatting an extremely pleasant evening was had where everyone managed to make a very acceptable item. Hilary gave the vote of thanks after which refreshments were served with Wendy winning the raffle.

Susan had given a warm welcome to everyone at the start of the meeting, especially guests Sharon McDonald and Gwenda Vaughan-Johnston. Apologies were noted with birthday greetings given to Jane, Ruth and Sue Hill. Hilary was thanked for the top table flowers and all ladies for their PATCH donations which Marlene will deliver this month.

Sympathy was extended to Sue Wall on the recent loss of her brother and sister-in-law. Congratulations were passed to Nikki’s son in law and Linnia’s nephew, Andrew Dennis, on attaining the position of Commander in the Royal Navy.

The evening’s business continued with members being reminded the £48 subscription fee is to be paid in March. Upcoming events were dealt with including transport arrangements for the visit to the Torch Theatre to see Joseph on March 9. Unfortunately the visit to Tenby Museum on March 30 has had to be postponed but will be rearranged when possible.

The strawberry tea will be held on Friday, June 7, 2.30-4.30pm in Amroth Parish Hall, Summerhill. Members all agreed to think of possible destinations for the summer outing and these will be discussed next month.

The next meeting will be on Monday, March 11 at 7pm in Amroth Parish Hall, Summerhill when the speaker will be Glyn Harries who will talk about the Mabinogion and Celtic Myths; hostesses to be Linnia, Wendy and Sue Hill.