SPRING was definitely in the air when a chirpy membership gathered for the March meeting of Carew WI. 

President Edith invited all to stand for the customary singing of Jerusalem which members sang with gusto. Dorothy was sent birthday greetings. 

Carew WI featured in this month’s WI News. A photograph and account of last month’s visit from Kelly (Welsh Water) was published. 

Arrangements were made for the June day trip to Parc Howard, Llanelli followed by shopping and an evening meal; final details in the April meeting, when subscriptions are also due.

After refreshments, local author Alex Craigie spoke about her background in teaching and as an author. The books were written initially to highlight to her children and grandchildren how different her growing up experiences were from theirs. Their reaction was one of disbelief as she outlined the laborious work involved in merely heating one room in the home. 

Alex talked about her series of books reminiscing back to the 1950’s and 60’s entitled ‘The Rat in the Python’. The title reflects the sudden bulge in the population figures post World War Two. She read from the first book of the series, ‘The Home’, observations and experiences of a ‘baby boomer’: how people we lived before central heating, double glazing and duvets. Many recalled similar childhood experiences and remarked on how vastly different it is now in what is comparatively a short period in history. 

Alex then challenged members to a quiz she had devised based on those decades. Teams readily answered the questions with great enthusiasm and lots of laughter as they reached back into their childhoods to recall TV programmes and characters in an attempt to win. The winning team - Margaret, Elaine, Elvina and Ruth received medals and sweets for their efforts. 

Ruth thanked Alex for an entertaining and evocative trip back in time.