Well done to the following Aces who took part in the Tenby 10km Run on October 29 –

Claire Louise Thomas, Karen Vickery, Paula Smith, Andrea Craig, Ceire Merrison, Helen Munro, Sarah Clark, Sian Phillips, Gill Kent, Kate Mathias, Lisa Taylor, Colin Barrett, Russell Clarke, Dave Kent, Iain Rich, Jamie Silvester, James Jones, Ricki Morgan, Stephen Elworthy, Harry Malone, Kes Aleknavicius, Jason Doyle, Jon Mills, Alex Maddox and Wayne Jones.

The Clarke Family after the Tenby 10k
The Clarke Family after the Tenby 10k (Tenby Aces)

Congratulations also go to Zac Colman who completed the Wye Valley 30mile Cycle in 1hr 51, and Andrew Pearce who finished the Snowdon Marathon in 4hr 20. 

Zac at the Wye Valley Cycle
Zac at the Wye Valley Cycle (Tenby Aces)

Aces Christmas Lunch take place on Sunday, December 17 at the Giltar Hotel, Tenby. Let Nicola know if you would like to go. See the website and Facebook page for information.

Andrew after the Snowdon Marathon
Andrew after the Snowdon Marathon (Tenby Aces)