IN the most recent meeting of Templeton Community Council, the following matters were discussed.
The council was delighted that it had obtained funding to support the ’Winter Warm Places’ project locally. Thanks were given to Templeton Community Association for taking the lead with the first event - an evening in the Hall on November 18 with soup and rolls. Future events are being planned, and will be advertised on Facebook and the Council website as well as in the community.
The normally annual bonfire and firework display had taken place this year after a couple of years of covid-19 restrictions had prevented it. The council were delighted at the turnout and pleased that so many people had enjoyed the evening. The provision of refreshments had added to the event, and the generosity of people for the bucket collection was very much appreciated by the Friends of Templeton School, the recipients. Thanks (again!) to all of those who helped, which included volunteers from FoTS, Templeton Community Association, all of those who had put together the magnificent bonfire, and those who supervised both that and managed the display.
Discussions were held on the proposed storage unit for the Green including the preferred location. Once the storage container was in place then a review of what was stored in the Hall and in the container would be carried out, and what space was available. In addition it was agreed to apply for a grant for provide battery storage in the Hall to maximise the benefit of the power generated from the solar panels.
After a request to again look at setting up a Speedwatch group in the village, a request for those interested in being involved had been made locally and on social media. Unfortunately the response received was insufficient for a group to be formed, although the council did fully appreciate the concern locally about the speeds of vehicles through both Cold Blow and Templeton. There is some monitoring done by GoSafe, and any member of the public can report concerns online at . It was also highlighted to the council that the planned 20mph speed limit in residential areas is due to come into operation during 2023 – they hope that this will lead to the streets being safer.
Concern was raised about the junction of the Carne Road towards Reynalton, where accidents and near misses had been reported and observed. This would be raised with PCC.
The County Councillor stated that he had raised the state of the Cold Blow to Templeton road once again within Pembrokeshire County Council.
Two items of planning were due for consideration: firstly 22/0602/PA Proposed Kitchen Extension to the existing dwelling. Rose Villa, Templeton. Secondly 22/0619/PA Existing external walls to existing annexe building re-clad and existing windows replaced. Brownslade, Templeton. There were no objections to either application.