With the extensive work of renovating Bethany Chapel proceeding well, members of Pennar Community Church are looking forward to tomorrow (Saturday, November 3) when at the 10 am coffee morning a time capsule that was discovered in a wall cavity of the schoolroom will be opened. The schoolroom was built in 1906 and it will be very interesting to see what were considered as important mementos by the people of Bethany then.

Services on Sunday are at 11 am and 6 pm and will be led by Rev. Roger Hart; Monday - prayer meeting at 7.30 pm; Tuesday - Sisterhood at 3 pm; Wednesday - Little Angels Toddlers at 10 am, while Rainbows and Brownies at 4 pm and Fat Club at 7.15 pm; Thursday, at 8 pm, Tripping the light fantastic with Rodgers Ranch Line Dancing. A warm welcome is extended to everyone to join us!