A very successful coffee morning in aid of the Pembrokeshire Branch of Guide Dogs Cymru held at the Harbwr Bar, Saundersfoot, last Wednesday raised a magnificent £963.85.  

The event was very well supported, and the Branch sincerely thanks the Harbwr Bar for hosting the event and providing the coffee.  Thanks also to Helen Hedley for organising the wonderful selection of raffle prizes, to all the local businesses who kindly provided them, and to Madelene and Joan who were kept busy selling the raffle tickets.  

All Pembrokeshire Branch members wish to say a huge thank you to everyone who supported the coffee morning and for raising nearly £1,000.  They would also like to take the opportunity of wishing all their helpers and supporters a very happy Christmas and a healthy and prosperous 2024.  Guide dogs Eddie and Nancy who were at the coffee morning also add their thanks and good wishes.