Raydene Waters and her daughter Pauline Davies both from Begelly, are women with a mission.

They have organised many fundraising events for the Chemotherapy Day Care Unit at Withybush Hospital and are in constant support of the Cancer Day Unit Appeal, an appeal which is very close to their hearts and for which they have worked tirelessly for over five years.

The Unit at Withybush was given the go ahead by the Hywel Dda Health board in 2014. Work started in 2016. The project was designed by patients, healthcare professionals, hospital managers, fundraisers, Adam’s Bucketful of Hope and the Withybush Hospital Cancer Day Unit Appeal. Now located on the first floor of Withybush Hospital it consists of 5 consulting rooms, a counselling room and treatment area.

Since starting their fund-raising schemes Raydene and Pauline have raised an incredible amount totally well over £8,500 thanks to the generous support of local people. The funds are secured specifically for the chemotherapy unit.

Fundraising activities ceased during Covid but now they are back on track with “Raydene and Pauline’s Coffee Morning and Grand Raffle Draw”.

The event will be held at Kilgetty Community Hall on Saturday, October 15 from 10am to 1pm. The entry is only £2 and includes tea or coffee and delicious Welsh Cakes.

If anyone is interested in having a stall they are more than welcome to contact Raydene on 01834 812569. In the past people have sold bric a brac, jewellery, beauty products and snacks.