The following services and events take place at Templeton, Minwear and Narberth churches in the forthcoming week:
Services, Remembrance Sunday, November 12:
• 9am - Holy Eucharist at St John’s Church, Templeton;
• 10am - Holy Eucharist at St Andrew’s Church, Narberth. The service will end in time to join others at the Cenotaph in Narberth;
• 2.30pm - Holy Eucharist at St Womar’s Church, Minwear.
Events: Tuesday, November 14, 1.30pm - Craft Class at the Rectory, Adams Drive, Narberth. Note the change of venue from the Church during winter months. All are welcome.
Contacts: Rev’d Martin Cox (Rector), tel. 01834 861192, [email protected] ; Rev’d Seamus Hargrave, 01834 860611, [email protected] .