There were the scenes of joy at the Narberth Fanzone tonight when Bale levelled up to give Wales a draw in their opening game against the USA at the FIFA World Cup!

The live showing of the match was part of a series of World Cup events which will see local venues hosting events promoting Cymru, its culture and community designed to bring people together to celebrate Wales while cheering on the team - including local lad Joe Allen - as they compete in the World Cup for the first time since 1958.

Among the highlights will be music nights at local pubs, storytelling at the Museum and World Cup themed menus at local restaurants. Fire and Ice will host a Welsh Whiskey tasting evening at Narberth Museum and Whitland Male Voice Choir will be performing to warm up fans at Narberth Rugby Club. Local businesses are being asked to promote Welsh produce.

Labour Councillor Marc Tierney, with the support of a small committee including Narberth AFC, the town mayor and the Rainbow Fairy, has organised a community fanzone so families can enjoy Cymru v England on the big screen at the Queen’s Hall.

“Don’t miss your chance to be part of the crowd supporting Wales v England on Tuesday night. It’s going to be epic! Thanks to everyone who came along - I’m chuffed to be working with our little team to make #GwylCymruFestival happen in Narberth,” said Marc.