Local politicians Paul Davies and Samuel Kurtz recently attended a reception at the Senedd to support the motor neurone disease community in Wales. 

In recent years there has been unprecedented interest from the research and pharmaceutical industry in Motor Neurone Disease (MND). A surge in research studies and clinical trials around the world has given renewed hope for the search for effective treatments and ultimately a cure for MND, as well as potential benefit for another neurodegenerative diseases. During the last few years there has been an increased awareness of the need to expand access to MND research from people living with MND in Wales. While there has been laboratory research there has been limited access to clinical trials. 

At the Senedd reception, Mr Davies and Mr Kurtz heard from the MND Association and the South Wales MND Care and Research Network about the work that has gone on over the last few years and plans for future development in MND Research in Wales. 

Mr Davies said, “It was really inspiring to learn more about the current research available in Wales, and the new and emerging treatments. Motor Neurone Disease is a devastating disease, with no cure and it’s vital that Governments at all levels commit to understanding the disease further by commissioning more research and ensuring that people with MND can live as safely and independently as possible.” 

“I’ll be doing everything I can to encourage the Welsh Government to invest in much-needed research and I’ll continue to raise this matter at the Senedd, at every available opportunity.” 

Mr Kurtz added, “The services that the MND Association offer are invaluable to those receiving them. Be that from the ground-breaking research, the financial support or assistance with accessing local services. 

“This is a disease which is yet to have a cure. That’s why I’m committed to working with the MND Association to ensure that research into this disease receives all necessary support from the Welsh Government.”