At the Tenby Friendship Club’s first meeting of 2023, Tony Wall came and gave a magnificent, flowing talk on how to cope if someone has a heart attack, right through to using a defibrillator.

It was an eye opener! And everyone who attended the meeting on January 11 now has a little bit more confidence on how to help if need be. Tony said there were now 11 volunteers in our area who could be on call to help, and he is looking for more.

The defibrillator machines are all locked and can’t be used until 999 is called. This means that now they are reset after being used, and that the call centre knows this. These machines give advice, and rhythm for CPR , and even tell you if you are doing fine, or need to press harder! They are not just for the “stand back” part. Tony’s donation bucket was taken around the ring of 35 or more seated members at the end of his talk. When enough money is collected, said Tony, another Defibrillator is bought.

A cuppa and a homemade Welsh cake were also enjoyed.

The new programme for Spring is available to members coming to meetings.

The meeting on Wednesday, January 25 is to be a demonstration of planting a spring pot, and this will be the prize for the winner of the garden Quiz! See you at 2pm in the Augustus Place Hall.