We have more pictures to share from Milford Haven Youth Council’s annual ‘bake off’ which saw a range of delicious cakes and bakes offered up for judging.

A marquee was set up at Milford Haven Youth Centre for the event on 22nd August, supported by the Children and Young People’s Rights Office.
The event aims to promote great partnership working between young people and decision makers with seven teams working together to demonstrate their baking skills.
Judging of the seven bakes was not an easy task for Pembrokeshire County Council Chairman Cllr Tom Tudor, Paul Davies MS and MP Stephen Crabb.
Teams from Milford Haven Youth Council, Young Voices for Choices Youth Forum, Youth Bank, Pembrokeshire Youth Assembly, Haverfordwest Youth Council, Pembrokeshire Junior Safeguardians and Youth Homelessness all put forward some great bakes.
Winners were Amber Baker from Young Voices for Choices and PCSO Beth Hawkridge, Milford Haven Neighbourhood Policing Team, with their fabulous salted caramel brownies with chocolate covered strawberries.

Children and Young People’s Rights Officer, Nadine Farmer, said the event was a huge success with lots of discussions taking place between young people and decision makers.
“It is a great way of breaking down barriers and having fun at the same time,” she added.
Cllr Tudor said: “It was my pleasure to be given the extremely difficult task of being one of the judges with Paul Davies MS and Stephen Crabb MP. Congratulations to the winner Amber from Young Voices. All the entries were brilliant, and many thanks to everyone involved in organising this wonderful event.”