Pilgrimage organisation Journeying was founded in 1988. Since then, it has been an adventure! 

Journeying pilgrims have travelled to many of the most remote and seemingly inaccessible places of pilgrimage in Britain and Ireland; shuddered and laughed together at some of the predicaments encountered along the way; and known the delight of discovering places where for centuries people have felt especially close to God - sacred places; places of pilgrimage.

Non-profit-seeking and ecumenical, Journeying comprises a team of people from a wide range of Christian traditions, who both run the organisation and plan and lead the annual programme of pilgrim-journeys. All are volunteers who say they have discovered a closeness to God through travel to remote places and have a passion to share this with others.

Journeying is always pleased to hear from people interested in discovering more about team membership. For details, email: [email protected] or write to: Journeying. 4 Main Street, Llangwm, Pembrokeshire SA62 4HP, Wales.

“Worshipping with islands, sea and sunset as a back-cloth is something I will never forget.” Richard, Journeying pilgrim.