During this month of blue skies and hot sun, the standard of photos shared to ‘Picture This’ has been exceptionally high.

Sometimes inspired by events,

The Waverley at Tenby
The Waverley paddle steamer at Tenby (Joseph Thomas)

Others inspired by paintings.

The church through the trees, Tenby by Dave Bolton
The church through the trees, Tenby (Dave Bolton)

We bring you a small selection - just one from each contributor, plus a couple of video clips of Pembroke as a bonus.

Here’s Pembroke Castle - so still and peaceful...

Pembroke Castle and Millpond

To share and view photos or videos in the ‘Picture This: Tenby Observer photography club’, you just need to join the group…

Carew Castle
Carew Castle (Ruth Ashworth)

… Either search in your Facebook app for Picture This: Tenby Observer photography club,

Tenby, or Tenerife?
Tenby, or Tenerife? (Glenn McLelland)
Circus was in town!
Circus was in town! (Si Worley)

When you apply to join the group, it is important to answer the question - there are no right answers, but you must answer it...

Green Bridge of Wales
Green Bridge of Wales (Adam Jones)

...and make sure you read and agree to the rules. It's a group for sharing your own local area photos, not ads or promotions.

Colby Woodland Gardens
Colby Woodland Gardens, near Amroth (Elizabeth Fitzpatrick)

A world of beauty awaits you!

Wild flowers at Pembroke
Wild flowers at Pembroke (Observer pic)

Baby swans at Pembroke