Encouraged by the success of the Tabletop and Jumble Sales held at Augustus Place Community Hall, The Tenby Project has decided to continue these on the second Saturday of each month, from 2pm to 4pm. 

A visit to the Ferryside Community Wardrobe, where you are able to go along one Sunday morning each month to have a search through the clothes donated to them and go away with anything you fancy for yourself or someone else, has proved inspirational. The jumble side of the Tenby event will now be named ‘Community Wears and Wares’ as it consists of donated clothes and household goods. 

People are welcome to bring with them things that they no longer want, and pick up things that they find useful or beautiful. You can also book a table for £5 to sell your own goods or crafts on.  The Tenby Project will be on hand to provide tea, coffee and biscuits, and to run a raffle.

The next event will be next Saturday, June 10. This coincides with Knit in Public Day, so people are also invited to come along with their knitting, maybe have a chat with fellow enthusiasts, and maybe give advice to people who have thought about taking up knitting but don’t know where to start.