The next meeting will be a “Social Evening” at Gilead School Room on Tuesday December 5. All members are asked to bring a plate of food for the Christmas Buffet and a gift for “Secret Santa”.

The Group Carol Service will be held at St John’s Church Pembroke Dock on Thursday, December 7 at 7pm.

Hundleton WI’s November meeting was held at Gilead School Room, when President Margaret Luff welcomed invited tellers Wendy O’Driscoll and Jenny Hill from Pembroke Dock WI to the meeting. The two tellers judged the monthly competition “A Hedgerow Arrangement” and the winners were: - 1st Sheila Evans 2nd Margaret Luff 3rd Carolyn Monk.

A Programme Planning meeting was arranged for the new committee at Margaret Luff’s house. The new 2023/24 Committee members are:- Margaret Luff President, Sheila Evans Treasurer, Margaret Davies Secretary, Jayne Smith, Margaret Brown, Carolyn Monk, Pauline Charlett, Jan Whitehead, Pat Preece and Linda Jones.