Christmas events in Pembroke Dock kick off on Friday, December 8 when Santa comes to town, by invitation of the Town Council.

Leaving the Memorial Park at 6pm, Father Christmas will make his way via Bush Street, down Laws Street, through Dimond Street and arrive at Lower Meyrick Street to switch on the Christmas tree lights.

The Pater Hall is open with a Christmas Fayre all day and will be offering free entry to a family Christmas Disco and hot drinks until 9pm, so a great day and evening for Pembroke Dock community to share on Friday, December 8.

On Tuesday, December 12 there is a festive gathering at the West Wales Maritime Heritage Society Boatyard in Front Street, Pembroke Dock.

Christmas carols will be played plus the fantastic Shanty Singers performing sea songs and two comedians playing their part to amuse everyone.

The get-together starts at 1pm and finishes at 3.30pm. During this time there will be hot dogs, mulled wine, mince pies, tea and coffee available, and stalls selling things for Christmas.

Then on Friday, December 15, you are invited to the Pater Hall in Pembroke Dock for a Warrior Christmas Warm Welcome on for Christmas lunch and fun as well as tea and coffee, newspapers, Wi-Fi, chats and friends to meet - all for free. Warrior Warm Welcome is held every Friday, 11am to 2pm.

Santa’s letterbox can be found within the Pater Hall all day Friday and Saturday.