Pembroke Dock is the place to be when the Winter Carnival and Christmas Market take place.

On Saturday, December 10, Gordon Street Car Park will be transformed into a Christmas Market, open from 10am to 6pm. As well as a variety of craft and food stalls there will be a licensed bar and music, performances by carol singers and the Vibe School of Dance. Santa has put the date in his busy schedule and can be seen in his grotto.

At 1pm, a carnival procession, led by Samba Doc, will leave Albion Square and make its way along Bush Street, down Laws Street and back through Dimond Street before turning down Gordon Street to finish at the Christmas Market.

All floats and walkers must be entered through the Town Council office prior to the event.

To allow for these festivities, Gordon Street Car Park will close at 8am today (Friday) and remain closed until midday on Monday, December 12.

While there, why not call into the library nearby and view the Community Art Exhibition by the artists from the VC Gallery?

Then on Wednesday, December 14, Pembroke Dock Community Choir will be holding a Christmas concert at Pennar Community Church, with a guest performance from Pembroke Dock Community School Choir. Tickets are free, donations welcome. Doors open at 6pm for a 6.30 start.