Tudor Christmas: Don’t forget that this weekend and next you can visit the Tudor Merchant’s House between 11 and 4pm to find out about Tudor Christmases, write a letter with your wishes and meet Santa – Adults free, but there is a charge for children which includes a present.

Hardy’s Wessex

Tonight, Friday, December 9, Penally Village Hall presents ‘Frosty Lanes and Fireside Cheer’, Christmas Music and Tales from Hardy’s Wessex. This is on at 7.30pm and you can get tickets from Judy Williams on 01834 0844467.

Chair Yoga for Relaxation

This is happening in Augustus Place Community Hall on Tuesdays from 1pm to 2.30pm. Everyone is welcome to attend, it is free and for all abilities.

Christmas Toy Run

This Saturday, December 10, The Three Amigos will be doing their Toy Run for Withybush and next Saturday for Glangwili Children’s Wards. The drop off point for presents in Tenby is the Tesco store.

Nobel Prizes 2022

Nobel Week is from the December 6 to 12, with the prizes given on the December 10. If you have a look at https://www.nobelprize.org/ you can find out all about it and watch the lectures whenever you want. Who would you give a Nobel prize to? Do you think we should have our own Tenby prizes? What title would you give them, and what do you think there should be prizes for? Who would choose and what would the winner get? A certificate and their photo in the paper? Or something more? Could you design suitable certificates? Let me know your thoughts – [email protected]

Beach Mural Design

Everyone is invited to send in a design to be part of the mural which will be painted on the back wall of the space underneath the North Walk Zigzag where the arcade used to be. Anything with a coastal theme is ok, natural or otherwise. You can send in a digital image or drop a drawing in to Tenby Council Office in the De Valence on Upper Frog St. The intention is for all designs to be used on the mural somewhere.

In January, there will be a day to clean up the area and hopefully give the wall an undercoat. Watch this space if you would like to take part.

Boccia / Kurling Club

On Fridays from 1pm to 3pm you can have a go at Boccia or Kurling at Augustus Place Community Hall. These games are suitable for all abilities, so if you enjoy a team sport but didn’t think there was one suitable for you, this is it! Come along and have a go, all welcome. Refreshments are available as well!

Christmas Coffee Morning

Come along to Tenby Library on Tuesday December 13 from 10.30 to noon to give a festive welcome to our Ukrainian guests so we can find out about each other’s Christmas customs and celebrate the season together.

International Monkey Day

Monkey Day is an unofficial international day celebrated on Wednesday, December 14 which celebrates monkeys and “all things simian,” in order to spread awareness for the animals, and to show love and care for them. This is a good day to make your own monkey. There are many ways you could do this, you could knit, crochet, cross-stitch or embroider a monkey, make a stuffed toy monkey, a paper plate monkey, a monkey puppet using arms and legs attached with split pins so they can move, a salt dough or paper mache monkey… you could paint or draw a monkey, collage a monkey using old colour magazines or rolled up bits of tissue paper – what other ways can you think of?

Tenby Food Hub

This Thursday, December 15 is your last chance to put an order in for a £5 selection of either fruit, or vegetables, or salad before Christmas. Post your order in an envelope with your cash payment in the box at the back of the Old Chapel in Lower Frog St, and your order will be delivered the following Thursday, December 22 and you will be able to pick it up from the Old Chapel from 1pm that day. Fresh and Fruity of Milford provide this service, and they really do give a good selection which is excellent value, some of which they have grown themselves.

Warm Rooms

As it gets colder, please help to spread the word about the warm rooms which are open in Tenby each week: Monday morning and Fridays in Augustus Place Hall, Tuesdays in the Salvation Army and Deer Park Baptist Church, Wednesdays in St Johns, Tuesdays to Saturdays in The Old Chapel. Everyone is welcome to come along for tea/ coffee and sometimes soup, and you can make a donation to the organisers if you would like to. There is an added benefit as well, as you can now get assistance with any issues you have contacting your energy, water or other suppliers, or anything else that you are finding it hard to deal with, including help to do things on-line. Ask at one of the Warm Rooms and they can get in touch with Sharon to arrange a time for you to meet and have a chat with her.

Tenby Community Fridge

This will be open as usual until December 24 and then will not reopen until the middle of January as the Old Chapel is having its floor redone. There are a couple of vacancies for volunteers to help to open and shut it so get in touch if you might be able to help. But please keep coming to the fridge to rescue some food!