“Utterly entertaining … side-spitting … charming …” – The Globe and Mail 

Still Floating - by two-time Fringe First winner and well-known Welsh writer and performer Shôn Dale-Jones, will make you laugh at things that should make you cry! It’s brand new, a hearting warming comic and storytelling about love and resilience. Still Floating will visit Pembrokeshire’s Torch Theatre on Wednesday 22 March. 

Someone suggested that Shôn should remount his 2006 Total Theatre award-winning hit show FLOATING (Barbican, Sydney Opera House) about the Isle of Anglesey floating away from mainland Britain, but surely this isn’t what the world needs right now. 2006 is not 2023. 

Described as “charming, surreal, warm-hearted … a piece of genius” by The Scotsman, 

Shôn, a director, performer and writer explains why he shouldn’t be presenting the show, but we find out that sometimes going backwards helps us to move forwards. This is a funny, uplifting and moving story, making the real and unreal fit together in one surprising whole. 

Shôn has presented his work all over the UK, Europe, USA, Canada and Australia and is best known as an award-winning writer/performer with his comic creation, Hugh Hughes, 'Story Of A Rabbit', '360', 'Stories From An Invisible Town' and 'Things I Forgot I Remembered'. He was also awarded winner of Best Scripted Comedy Drama at the BBC Radio Awards. 

Still Floating will visit the Torch Theatre Studio at Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire on Wednesday, March 22 at 7.30pm. Tickets can be purchased from the Box Office Torch Theatre on 01646 695267 or torchtheatre.co.uk.