Pupils from Ysgol Gelli Aur Golden Grove School in Pembroke have been enjoying a ‘fantastic’ few days in Cardiff. 

The very busy schedule included a lot of walking and sightseeing around the capital, a scavenger hunt, bowling, a tour of the castle and a stroll around the exhibitions and galleries at the National Museum. 

A ‘big highlight’ of the trip was a spin around Cardiff Bay in a powerboat! 

The pupils also found time to visit The Senedd with Samuel Kurtz MS, who showed them around and answered questions. The school described it as a ‘very interesting and informative visit.’

Mr Kurtz said: “It was a real pleasure to welcome pupils from Ysgol Gelli Aur Golden Grove School to the Senedd for a tour this week. 

“Showcasing the heart of Welsh democracy to the next generation of voters is always a treat. Their thought provoking questions on the Senedd building right up to my role as a Member were a joy to answer.” 

Posting on their Facebook page, the school said that “pupils have been a credit to the school and always polite and well-mannered wherever they went.” 

“Westbound now for some home comforts and rest,” they added.