A WONDERFUL evening of friendship was held on April 17 at Trefloyne Manor when 10 members and one guest of Tenby Tangent Club met to celebrate the occasion of Handover.

Trefloyne served up a superb meal with their delightful staff in attendance. 

Retiring chair Averil Upham reported on her enjoyable year, when as Tangent members the pace of life and rushing around eases a little and appreciation and contentment is the name of the game. With the heady days of Ladies Circle behind them, members can relax with friends of old and share a coffee or a glass or two.  Averil had represented Tangent at the Cenotaph on Armistice Sunday - a poignant and moving event. 

Averil went on to thank two of the most important and hardworking members, secretary Debbie Davies and treasurer Jane Meyrick and presented them with gifts in appreciation. Both had held these offices for more years than they care to admit and are totally reliable, diligent and conscientious. She was also grateful to all Tangent members for their support. 

Michelle Grigg and Catrin Griffiths were thanked for organising the splendid occasion. They provided the three raffle prizes all of which had a French hint – delicious biscuits for all winners. Jill John, Elaine Rowe and Michelle Grigg were the lucky victors. 

The time came for Averil to hand over the Chain of Office to her successor Michelle Evans and wished her the absolute best for the coming year. Tangent members were overjoyed that Michelle had been elected to this office once again.