The May meeting of Kilgetty WI was bright and sunny with members dressed in loose comfortable clothing in anticipation for the arranged Tai Chi session.

Anne Pugh the president opened the meeting on the 14th. Birthday congratulations were for Josie, Sue and Anna. Anne reminded members to try using the learning hub as there are many items of interest for all.

The recent Rosebowl competition was discussed and photos will be displayed in an album in the near future. The pottery items which had been fired were for collection, to be taken home and brought back for painting at  the craft group on May 28.

A date was arranged for the handing over of the (buddy) bench donated to Stepaside school (May 21 at 10am). Eight ladies arranged to attend and meet some of the pupils and staff.

The rose for Eileen has been reserved for the community gardens. Trips were discussed and names checked for the Royal Mint on May 15 and the mystery trip on June 11 - the coach will leave Kilgetty at 9am. Various newsletter items were highlighted including the generous invitation from Summerhill WI Strawberry tea on 7 June, 2.30-4.30pm, £5. August 14 will be a trip to the Pembrokeshire County show.

Anne read out an interesting piece from the Tenby Observer, 20 February 1998, brought in by Peggy. It was about the late Mrs Rose Waters of Ryelands Lane, Kilgetty, who had attended the first WI meeting at the former meeting hall of Sunnyside, Begelly on February 10th 1928. She was only 15 at the time! Although she was the youngest, she actively enjoyed being a member of Kilgetty WI. During the war her husband, who was a policeman, was posted to Milford Haven and Mrs Waters continued to attend by cycling all the way and back! She also spent six weeks researching the branch history for the institute’s 50th anniversary in 1978, saying that she had thoroughly enjoyed being involved with Kilgetty WI from the very first meeting.

The faffle was won by Jean. Competition winners for the best three relaxation tips were: 1st Anne Pugh; 2nd Julia Mills; 3rd Kath Breen. Tea/coffee and chocolate biscuits followed before the session of Tai Chi.

Frank Farrer was the teacher and talked about the benefits of this ancient Chinese practice. The purpose of Tai Chi is to nourish one’s health, to cultivate one’s mind, to ward off illnesses and lengthen life span. Frank, who manages FRAME in Haverfordwest has been practising it for many years and has helped hundreds of people through his teaching and classes. 

The ladies all participated and thoroughly enjoyed the hour session. Eveyone went home feeling more relaxed in mind and body.