Two special guest speakers will be welcomed at Pembroke Dock Heritage Centre, Meyrick Owen Way, Royal Dockyard, in May.

On Thursday, May 11 Group Captain Willy Hackett MBE, who learned to fly on gliders in Pembrokeshire, will be guest at the Pembrokeshire Aviation Group’s monthly meeting.

In an illustrious career Group Captain Hackett has flown numerous types of fast jet combat aircraft operated by the RAF and Royal Navy; has served as a test pilot and was much involved, in both the UK and USA, in bringing the F35 Lightning II into service. Currently he is Head of Flight Test for Team Tempest - the next generation of front line aircraft. He also displays historic aircraft from both World Wars.

His talk is entitled ‘From stealth to wing warping - advances in aviation technology from a test pilot’s perspective’.

The spotlight will be on wartime flying boat operations when Richard Hodgkinson visits the Heritage Centre on Thursday May 18th. His presentation will be on his late father’s wartime career. Wing Commander Vic Hodgkinson was one of the first Royal Australian Air Force pilots to come to the UK in 1940, flying with the famous 10 Squadron RAAF, serving at both Pembroke Dock and Plymouth.

Later, he flew for many years with BOAC - from converted Sunderlands to Boeing 707s.

This talk links to an exhibition at the Centre marking the 80th anniversary of the wartime Battle of Atlantic Campaign.

Both talks commence at 7.30pm. For further information contact Aviation Group Chairman Graham Clarkson on 01646 689979. Non-members are most welcome.