Manorbier & District Gardening Club have been learning all about Pembrokeshire’s wild bees and how they are being affected by climate change.

At the Giraldus Centre in Manorbier, Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Ranger Chris Taylor described the various types of wild bees that inhabit Pembrokeshire. These range from social to solitary bees that do the important job of pollinating wildflowers and agricultural crops, but their numbers are declining due to habitat loss, environmental change, disease and the use of pesticides.

Chris advised on how we people make their gardens more bee friendly by being less tidy and leaving wild patches, as well as planting flowers and shrubs that attract pollinators.

The next Gardening Club meeting is planned for Thursday, May 16 starting at 7.30pm at Giraldus Centre in Manorbier, when Jackie Batty, the NGS County Organiser for Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire, will be giving an illustrated talk about the National Garden Scheme - 'Beyond the Garden Gate'. There will also be a plant, seed and magazine table, along with refreshments and a raffle. 

Everybody who is interested in gardens, nature and wildlife is welcome at this friendly gardening club - you don't have to be a horticultural expert or even have a garden of your own. An interesting programme of events is planned for the year, with speakers and demonstrations, as well as visits to various places of interest.

Annual membership remains at £10, while visitors are asked to pay just £3. For further details, contact Maggie Chance on 07736749705 or [email protected]